week 13

  1. Find 5 businesses similar to yours  (large to small) and study the social advertising they use. In your opinion does their advertising seem effective?
Beads Crystals and More: http://beadscrystalsandmore.com/
  Beads Crystals and More their advertising seems minimal and a little effective. For a small business they could do more then post less than once a month. I like how their add attract you with beautiful designs and fun photos but they should have more post about deals and lest posts about meme’s. They post mostly on Facebook and Instagram. They post on those sites less than monthly and there most recent post is about how they are closed on labor day.
    They are a unique small business that sells crystals and other accessories but they really push the spiritual therapy. The post on Instagram and Facebook frequently, they post about fun quotes from guru’s and also new products. It seems effective and its good they have a good presence on social media.
Great Divine Flow Kundalini Yoga: https://greatdivineflowyoga.com/
   They are a very successful small business and they have a really good social media presence. On their Instagram they use the story feature and have archive of their stories and events they had. They post daily sometimes every couple of hours. They also have photos of students past and present. They have a good relationship with their customers and their call to action is the successes stories from their students and returning customers. Their advertising is very effective and really working for them.
Earth’s Elements: https://www.earthselements.com/
   Earth’s Elements is a successful local business that has two locations in Carlsbad and Encinitas California. They don’t post much on their twitter page but they usually post on Facebook and mainly use Instagram for their store deals, new products and events. Their advertising is effect and it draws customers. 
  Yoga Branch is a local business located in Vista California. They Sell cloths for yoga and its all organically made. They have strong presence on Facebook and they post all the time. On their Instagram page they post somewhat frequently. They post sales they have on their Facebook primarily. The advertising is okay but they need to post about the sales on their Instagram page and homepage.
  1. Look for examples of advertising on FaceBook, Twitter and other social media. What draws your attention? What is their call to action? Do they use imagery and is it effective? Which ads are annoying?
   What I look for when shopping is the imagery. Is the product cool looking and does it match the picture on the ad. Good imagery is a very important aspect for advertising. As a Graphic Designer I want the adds stand out and catches the eye of potential and returning costumers. 
   The best example of good use is imagery is Earth’s Elements Homepage. Their page is well organize and built nice by a web designers standards. Their fonts and color choice for the fonts is a good choice and easy to read. The choice of images is original and not all over the web page and positioned perfectly. What I also look for if I visited a companies website is the functionality of their websites. Earth's Elements is a perfect example of good use of imagery and a well made functional website.
  For example for their call to action is for Great Divine Flow Kundalini Yoga studio. They have a post of how building a relationship is important and it is a good way they can build a healthy relationship of their customers. I like how there is a visual element in the post and I can see the people in the photo and see how the targeted market is gear towards that photo. My only critique is that the photo was shot with better quality.
  1. Compare the impact of traditional advertising (in newspapers, magazines, billboards, radio, TV, etc.) to advertising done on Social Media. Which seems more effective to you?
   For me since I grew up in the 2000’s I find the online advertising is effective now. When I realize that I never really use billboards cause it was not targeted towards me at a young age. When I began to drive I never really look at billboards since its a distraction while driving and I only get a glimpse of it while driving. I don’t use newspapers only except for arts and crafts as a kid and so I don’t really read the paper. The best traditional advertising for this modern day is radio cause people are usually driving to and from work, maybe traveling for fun so they are in a car for an extended period of time they will listen to a ad or two. Television is a good one since they are at home and watching their favorite program. They will see ads and some of the advertising will attract them in some form.
Assignment Response
  For my response to the assignment is what I learned. Is having a visually pleasing post with a few hashtags here and there is a good way to attract new and returning costumers. For me since I'm a budget and have knowledge of graphic design, video production and media design. I can make my own add with quick designs that will only take a hour or two and post them on my pages. 
    How often I should use ads will be weekly or biweekly. I don’t want to be bombarded with advertising on my Instagram and Facebook pages. Doing it at a weekly and biweekly bases will not put off consumers. Having a good balance on how often to post ads is a good way to have a healthy business. 

   Having different types of ads for different types of businesses is a good to have everything organized and won’t affect the products the company is trying to sell. Having multiple businesses to run is no small feat. Having everything organize and separate is a good way to keep costumers from getting confused on deals and won’t complain about them.


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