Week 11

   How often to send out newsletters and emails for a business. I believe the perfect time to send one  is when you are having a holiday sale or  getting the email of a first time buyer. Getting the email of a first time buy is good on building a relationship with the customer. If you send a welcome email that has a small promotion, the costumer will most likely to comeback cause the costumer knows they are appreciated when they bought something and now they have a coupon they can use when they return to the business.

   The holidays are coming up and the perfect time is in early November and late October. People start holiday shopping around these times and the perfect time for sending out emails to costumers. The business can also give out real life forms so they can add the costumers to their email list. Some businesses for example Big 5 Sporting goods have slips that the costumer can sign and the cashier or sales associate can enter manually to the company computer or kiosk and it will send promotions like sales and new letters to the recipient. They have a name on there site called Join Our E-Team. It is good for sales gathering and its an opt out system if the person does not want to receive the emails anymore.
Best Ideas to send out newsletters are.
  1. Do a sign up sheet when at checkout. The Cashier will ask if they want to sign up and receive emails on holiday deals and news from the company.
  2. Have a sign up section on the main website that has its own page so the person can sign up at home if they are online shopping.
  3.  Social media codes. Some sites use social media to promote deals. For example if you go on twitter and they have a promo code you can enter it when you sign up for a newsletter and use the code at checkout online or in the shop on ground.
   The stores that I receive from there mailing list are Michels, Target and Comics N Stuff. What I like about these they do not appear in main mail. They go to my promotions section on my Google Gmail acount. They have their own place and do not crowed my main mail section since I receive important mail from school, work and freelance projects. Some business send them directly to the main email and that puts me off and will cancel my subscription to the company. Businesses should keep that in mind when sending out emails for selling their products.


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